Online Learning by SS Safety - Setting the training standard for individual and business success.
Delivering courses specifically designed for your company, achieving your training goals within your budget and training style.

Benefits of e-learning with SS Safety Online learn
From onboarding to policy and procedural awareness, courses are created featuring your companies specific needs, images and style.
All e-learning is supported by a learning management system (LMS) allowing your company administrators to track user progress and create company training datasheets and completion records.
Benefits of e-learning
Flexibility and improved employee retention.
A company will no doubt wish to set timescales for learning however e-learning provides immediate access anytime and anywhere, this provides learner choice of when to study and at what pace.
Consistency and defined learning achievement
Employers, designers and subject matter experts work together to achieve a course which delivers. Once created the standard remains consistent, no detail is ever forgotten, no course is cut short and learning outcomes can be confirmed through knowledge checks with set pass or retake requirements.
Potential cost savings
Employers, designers and subject matter experts work together to achieve a course which delivers. Once created the standard remains consistent, no detail is ever forgotten, no course is cut short and learning outcomes can be confirmed through knowledge checks with set pass or retake requirements.
Reduced environmental impact
E-learning uses 90% less energy and creates 85% less CO2 emissions per learner on average than traditional face to face learning.
Velcourt is a farming management company. SS Safety Online Learn was asked to create an onboarding (induction) safety orientation for new starters. Farming is statistically the most dangerous industry within which to work and Velcourt decided on an e-learning structure to provide a consistent and detailed safety awareness package.
The result is a 5 stage induction course with knowledge check questions at the end of each stage. Each stage builds knowledge of hazards, procedural awareness, legal requirements and required actions providing a robust safety foundation within their working environment.
Robinson Contract Services (RCS)
Haulage creates a logistical challenge for employee learning. RCS employ approximately 70 drivers and have base locations near Bedford, Leeds and Huddersfield. SS Safety Online Learn have created over twenty courses providing specific training on company risk, procedural requirement and policy.
The Learning Management System (LMS) platform allows management tracking and analysis of employee performance. The system is also used to create and communicate micro learning and safety alerts providing vital updates to all employees within the organization.