Risk Assessment, Method Statement and Policy
SS Safety offer expert advice to identify hazards and evaluate risk
Every employer has a legal duty to recognise hazards and any resulting risk in the workplace.

Ensure legal compliance and eliminate criminal fines
SS Safety work alongside your team to identify hazards, evaluate risk and produce documentation as well as practical working practices to make sure your business meets current regulations. Non compliance can result in hefty fines and even criminal charges.

Improve worker efficiency and company morale
We take the time to get to know your business to deliver anything from fire risk assessments to manual handling documents which address every significant health, safety and, if requested, environmental risk within your business.

Reduce lost time through illness and injury
Effective safety procedures can reduce accidents by over 70% with statistics giving returns on health and safety investment as high as 12:1.
• Good Health and Safety saves lives and money
• Increase employee retention
• Reduce costs on temporary cover and training
• Reduce or even eliminate civil claims
• Improve company image and reputation
Frequently Asked RAMS Questions
Once a risk assessment and method statement have been completed it is important that the document is shared, made available and continually utilised. RAMS should form the basis of staff and onsite training so that everyone is aware of required safe working practices on site. Details also need to be continually reviewed and updated as new hazards are identified, equipment is changed, personnel are appointed or in the event of a near miss or accident.
It is a legal requirement to consult with the workforce when creating or changing safe working procedures. Individuals who do the task day in day out are often the ones who can identify impractical procedures, unidentified hazards or more effective solutions. Consultation is also more likely to result in a working environment committed to following safety procedure.
Under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (MHSWR) it is a legal requirement for employers to assess and manage the risks at work.
A company with five or more employees must document the risk assessment by law. However, companies with less than five employees do not legally have to document their risk assessment. Although it is advised to do so in order to provide clear reference, guidance and training for managers and employees. In the event of an accident, it may also be relied upon to show that all steps have been taken by the business to ensure safety ‘so far as is reasonably practicable’.
A health and safety Risk Assessment and Method Statement, or RAMS for short, are the two main documents which identify all of the health and safety risks within a business and then outline the measures needed to reduce those risks to an acceptable level to complete a job safely.
The risk assessment identifies and then rates risk with consideration to severity of harm and likelihood of occurrence before setting out control measures which must be implemented to reduce that risk.
The method statement then expands on the risk assessment by providing a step-by-step detailed guide for employees, contractors and others to follow ensuring the control measures identified are implemented safely for a specific task.